Project - Stéphanie Remels


The project starts from combining different aspects from the matrix. The filling and solution of vacant buildings by flexible functions and introducing new housing types. The chosen sites each consist of vacant buildings in an interesting location in Paal. Both are dedicated to housing and commerce. The first site is a building block where several businesses are located. The existing businesses in the fabric will be retained and given a new face along the back. This will create a public passage through the building block that is related to other projects.Two new buildings will be added, each with a different housing type. The abandoned building is filled with flexible office spaces usable by different companies. The second site consists of several vacant buildings behind an open development located on the main road. By redesigning the site, we are creating several intermediate spaces created by adding buildings with new housing types. We are adding four new buildings, three of which consist of new housing types. One local store and the old, vacant building gets a collective function.The local store has two faces, one to the main road and one to the collective back. In this place local products from the vegetable garden and fruit trees can be sold.The site is only accessible by car at the front. The rest of the site will be depaved. Along the back side, a green passage will be created connecting the school and sports hall.


2023-02-13 14:31:31

Studio Ontwerpen - Paal